1: Keyhole Scene (Doctor Strange’s Limited Perception) The Ancient One: “You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole. …
Author: Saeid Hasani
Rumination can be a major barrier to self-authoring because it keeps you stuck in repetitive thought loops rather than actively …
I tried to express my knowledge through metaphorical language to examine my literal growth over time. Here are my two …
I tried to divide what I wrote to parts, to make it easier for your understanding. Bear with me then. …
Your identity is the story you tell about your actions in the world, but it’s also your actions in the …
A systemic approach in family therapy views the family as an interconnected system, where each member’s behaviors and interactions influence …
Temperament refers to biologically based individual differences in emotional and behavioral tendencies that appear early in life and remain relatively …
This post is a quick look at Dr. Shawn Baker’s book: “The Carnivore Diet” Dr. Shawn Baker, a former orthopedic …
This post has been written based on this YouTube Video on Jordan Peterson‘s Channel: Political correctness: a force for good? …
The DSM-5-TR does not explicitly define a single “source” for fear, anxiety, and stress but describes their underlying neurobiological and …
The DSM-5-TR (Text Revision) does not provide direct definitions for fear, anxiety, and stress in one section but discusses them …
A feedback loop is a system where the output of a process influences its own input, creating a cycle. These …
Well done.