I like to write about what makes me think about my behaviors. These are my rules, not all of em …
Author: Saeid Hasani
1: Connection Between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Self-esteem and self-confidence are closely related psychological concepts that influence each other. Both are …
Sometimes my dreams are so real that I wonder: what if, when I wake up, the world I am living …
I have heard this phrase from different people as a way of making jokes about some other therapists, but I …
I like to check the story behind every word in a sentence if I find the time. So when I …
Depression can sometimes be described as a fixation in grief, but with important distinctions. The idea that depression may involve …
Not everyone can give you this phrase by all means: “I accept you with all your good and bad.” I …
We had a discussion on “Perfectionism” in class. The teacher believed it was bad, but I thought that without perfectionism, …
There was a question at the back of my mind: “Who is a dictator, and how can we define one?” …
In Greek mythology, the origins of Love (Eros) are tied to different myths depending on the source. 1: Hesiod’s Theogony: …
This post is about my dream, set in the texture of the jungle, and my dilemma between love and friendship. …
As I tried to explain Love for myself from different perspectives, I found sometimes only an old Mythology can help …
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