I Owe My Life to Questions
I owe my life to questions—maybe not all of them, but most. This time, the question started like this: “Which factors are involved in personal transformation?”
The first answer my mind came up with was:
“The traits of a socially intelligent person are part of the answer because an intelligent mind is like cultivated land—ready for planting whatever you want.”
But it isn’t just about intelligence. Self-perception and self-definition also play a role. Our perception is an intricate thing.
So, I tried to make a list of cognitive traits that help define transformed personalities—as a starting point.
1. They Express Their Feelings Instead of Suppressing Them.
Rather than denying or running away, they try to face their fears in any way they can.
2. They Develop a Questioning Mind.
- Every time they finish a task or complete a goal, they ask themselves:
What could I have done better? How can I improve?
3. Their Questions Are Rooted in Being Good Observers.
They don’t just ask questions for the sake of it; their curiosity is fueled by deep observation.
4. Their Patience Helps Them Overcome Difficult Periods in Life.
They recognize that endurance is often the key to transformation.
5. They Challenge Societal Norms, Like the Protagonist in the Movie “Brave”
They refuse to conform. They face their fears.
Some of their thoughts might sound like this:
- I see my family as a social box—a set of norms and rules designed to shape my beliefs. But I need to break free from that box to embark on my personal journey.
- In moments of fear, don’t ask questions—just act.
- Life is built on different levels of challenges. After passing each one, a harder one appears. So, it’s better to find joy in the process instead of constantly chasing happiness in the future.
6. They Know That Being Brave Is Different from Being Arrogant.
They are courageous enough to be disliked.
7. Their Curiosity Leads Them to Redefine Their Values.
One method they use is expressive writing or journaling.
- Ex: Success is a mountain. Its summit is the threshold where you break your own resistance. Once you reach the top, everything seems easier. Keep going until you push past your own mental barriers.
8. Even in Pain and Boredom, They Persist in Finding Their Strengths.
They cultivate a powerful mindset because they understand that life often plays tricks to divert them from their path.
- As long as you don’t feel enough pain to force a change in your life, you won’t take action. It’s human nature to seek the easiest way.
9. They Understand That Logic Is Not Universal.
Logic isn’t something you can copy from others—it’s a method of perceiving life. That’s why people interpret reality in vastly different ways. What seems illogical to one person may be completely logical to another.
10. They Are Versatile in Social Situations.
They strive to be agreeable in friendships, respect boundaries, and never invade someone’s privacy.
11. They Prioritize Their Mental and Physical Health.
- If you feel stressed, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and try to see yourself from an external perspective.
- Daily exercise—like running or dancing—can restore both the mind and body by improving blood circulation.
12. They Believe Every Problem Has a Solution—If You Are Willing to Discuss It.
Open dialogue is their tool for overcoming obstacles.
13. They See Their Feelings as Temporary.
They accept that time is a healer. Nothing lasts forever—not even pain.
14. They Approach Relationships with This Mindset:
“I am worthy of people’s trust, but my priority is myself.”
- Find good friends who support your transformation.
- Love can be a trap if you don’t know yourself or what you truly seek in an emotional connection.
15. Their Curiosity Makes Them Thirsty for Knowledge.
They seek information not just for the sake of learning, but to better understand themselves.
- Knowing that you are the only one who can save yourself is the first step toward transformation.
- Solitude is the most powerful tool of the 21st century—if you know how to use it to your advantage.
16. They Master the Art of Wearing Social Masks.
At the same time, they understand when to be genuine and when to play a role.
- There’s a rule I use when I don’t feel good: “Fake it till you make it.”
- I pretend to feel okay, and eventually, my mood shifts. But in reality, embracing negative emotions is often the most effective way to change them.
17. They View Science as a Tool for Human Progress, Not for Personal Glory.
- If you lack knowledge, stay silent and start searching for answers immediately.
18. They Value Their Time—But They Also Know When to Let It Pass.
They recognize that while time is precious, there are moments when surrendering to its flow is the only option.
… This is as far as I got.